how to be an effective managerial communicator?
Yesterday, the english teacher give us a topic to discuss,that is \"How to be an effectiive managerial communicator?\"what's your opinion? first step is to be a good listener, I guess You should communicate well with others, don't always ask sb to do sth as you wish respect employee ? Yes, everyone gets the self-respect which is so strong! 中国古时歌颂王朝,常有“广开言路,上达天听”云云,治国也是一种管理;可见,交流对于优秀的管理来说是很重要的;
PS:政府都在转变职能,虽然连政府网站也根本未提供意见反馈的途径,但人家毕竟喊出了改革的口号;再说,等着别人伪先进地代表你,不如自己做,用自己优秀的管理使所在的机构得到进步。 Very good opinion, when I get the chance to be an manager, I will listen to them, try to stand on
their point to consider, try to understand them