May-December Marriage老夫少妻
Definition: Generally considered to be an uncoventional choice, a May-December marriage is one in which one spouse is significantly older than the other spouse.Significantly older is usually considered 11 years or more age difference.
\"May\" refers to the younger spouse in the spring of life, while \"December\" refers to the older spouse who is in the winter of life.
\"May-December Marriage\"是指年龄差距很大的夫妻。根据上面的定义,一方比另一方大11岁算是年龄差距很大。May-December Marriage并没有指明是“老夫少妻”,也可以是“老妻少夫”,但是在现实生活中,后者很少见。
63岁的Harrison Ford(和41岁的Ally McBeal的女主角Calista Flockhart交往已经四年,据闻感情甚笃。两人年龄相差22岁,可以算得上是May-December romance - 忘年之恋。
Harrison Ford dating Ally McBeal
Harrison Ford and Ally McBeal actress Calista Flockhart have been quite close(交往甚密)these last few weeks.
Only weeks after Harrison split with ex-girlfriend Minnie Driver, he's been spotted several times out-and-about in New York with his new flame.
The Indiana Jones star's currently in the process of divorcing his wife of 18 years, Melissa Mathison.
Even with all the publicity surrounding Ford's lovelife, it must be a refreshing change for Flockhart, after previously dating crack-addict Robert Downey Jr. She's reportedly still upset about his habit and has refused to smoke the peace pipe with him - probably because he'd hog it all.
-Yahoo News
old flame是“旧情人、老相好” 那么\"new flame\"就是“新欢”。
be/get out and about (=go to places where you can meet people)
\"crack\"是强效纯可卡因 crack-addict - 瘾君子 drug-addict - 瘾君子
smoke the peace pipe with sb. -在上面这段话中是“言归于好”的意思,也是一语双关。
peace pipe: a pipe which Native Americans use to smoke tobacco, which is shared in a ceremony as a sign of peace [= pipe of peace]
\"hog it all\"是映射她的前男友是瘾君子。
hog:informal to keep, use, or have all of something that should be shared
说起“老夫少妻”我想起两个短语\"trophy wife\"和\"suggar daddy\".
trophy wife: informal a young beautiful woman who is married to a rich successful man who is much older than her - used to show disapproval
\"trophy\"是“战利品、奖品”的意思。\"trophy wife\" - 年轻貌美的妻子变成成功的老男人的战利品。 这也体现了一些男人把女人的青春皮相作为“可娶”的标准。 这不知道是女人的不幸还是男人的悲哀。
suggar daddy:informal an older man who gives a young person presents and money in return for their company and often for s e x - 色迷迷的糟老头!
dirty old man: an older man who is too se xually interested in younger women - used to show disapproval - 老淫虫
谁不爱青春美丽。恐怕一位老妇若有英俊少男陪伴也不会抗议。只是我们的社会千百年来一直都是以男性为主导,老妻少夫的现象很少。所以英文中也就没有\"dirty old woman\"这一固定说法。 男人们占了上风,拣了便宜就认了吧。:-)
taboo: 2 (adj.)not accepted as socially correct:
It's taboo to date a man a lot younger than you.
话说回来,真正的爱情却与年龄无关。许多时候,爱只是一种感觉。 用条件堆积起来的婚姻只是两个人的联盟。 Learned many words
May-December Marriage
May-December romance
old flame
\"new flame
trophy wife
suggar daddy Dirty old man!! Yang-Weng couple is a \"May-December Marriage\".
"May-December Marriage".