把手遥控是细菌的温床 Doorknobs and TV remotes are germ hotbeds
WASHINGTON – Someone in your house have the sniffles(抽鼻涕)? Watch out for the refrigerator door handle. The TV remote, too. A new study finds that cold sufferers often leave their germs there, where they can live for two days or longer.Scientists at the University of Virginia, long known for its virology(过滤性微生物学) research, tested sur faces in the homes of people with colds and reported the results Tuesday at the nation's premier conference on infectious(传染的) diseases. virology(过滤性微生物学)
。。。。。。 Journal of Virology (过滤性微生物学) is a magazine published by American Society for Microbiology 引用第2楼Dean于10-30-2008 19:16发表的:
Journal of Virology (过滤性微生物学) is a magazine published by American Society for Microbiology
搜也没关系,辨别一下真伪是非。。。。。。 Virology 病毒学,医学上xxology,就是xx学,virus 病毒
另外,医学类名词都是专有的,医学分基础医学和临床医学两大一级分科,Virology 病毒学,是基础医学门下的三级学科。 Journal of Virology 是一个分挺高的杂志,我记得5分多,不大好发,除非在国外研究期间