空气动力汽车Air Cars
Air Cars: A New Wind for America's Roads?二年后美国将生产空气动力汽车并直销客户
A new carmaker has a plan for cheap, environmentally friendly cars to be built all over the country
An air-powered car? It may be available sooner than you think at a price tag(标签) that will hardly be a budget(开支) buster(巨大). The vehicle may not run like a speed racer(赛车) on back road highways, but developer Zero Pollution Motors is betting consumers will be willing to fork over $20,000 for a vehicle that can motor around all day on nothing but air and a splash of salad oil, alcohol or possibly a pint of gasoline. 看起来有点像中国的小耗子 中国的小耗子 is three-wheeler. 中国的小耗子 is Beijing three-wheeler. Car exhausts contain a range of toxic substances that can have a serious impact on health.
Once released into the air, these substances are breathed in and transported in the bloodstream to all the body's major organs.
The most obvious health impact of car emissions is on the respiratory system.
Air cars are environmentally friendly and produce less or no exhaustes. The air will be much cleaner when such cars take the place of the petrol-powered ones.