男人没必要做贼似的搞个私房钱,提心吊胆,弄不好再得个抑郁症,妻子也没必要私藏小金库,夫妻之间一定要信任,而不是猜忌,诚信宽容才是根本。私房钱,只会伤害感情,制造分歧,造成彼此的不信任和猜疑,让感情更加的生疏,情感金钱化世俗化,经济上独立了,那感情还会牢靠吗?维系家庭的润滑剂是信任和呵护,如果大家都在精打细算自己的私房钱,分的清清楚楚的,还有什么家庭的温暖,夫妻之间也就变得越来越没有意思。老婆,我真的没有私房钱。 Men do not need to keep case-dough like a thief. Scary may cause a depression, the wife should not have to keep possession of small exchequer, between husband and wife must be trust, not suspicion, sincerity and the tolerance are the fundamental. Case-dough would only hurt the
feelings, cause the mutual distrust, suspicion, and result even more unfamiliar feelings. Will
love be reliable if the economy is indpendence?
Dear, I really don't keep the private wealth. I don't keep the private wealth too I find that your English is quite good!!!
Come on, after the practice in English section, you can talk to foreigners directly! 咱论坛不少人藏有私房钱吧 I HAVE yes What are you doing with the private wealth, would you like to share with us? Private wealth is for privacy. What's the motive of keeping private wealth?