I am so happy that I have done a business with the foreigner!
Today, I signed a contract with a foreigner for $3000, we, the chinese earn money from US, I amvery proud about that So I hope most of us can learn English well and then help chinese earn money from foreigner Good news. When i was working in foreign trade i was very happy when we made contracts with foreign companies because we could make money by working and making products for them. Yes, so I said that my new challenge of the work is success Sure. Challenge yourself and have hope for the future. Believe in yourself and work hard. You will have more success. Yes, I will try my best to do it and I will set an aim for a month.
Dean, now you are still doing the same with me, right? When you have some good news, please
share it here. I will be glad to read it Sure i will. Good friends should share and help each other. Good friends should share both joy and sorrow. When you have happy news i will be happy to read it. When i have happy news i will share it with you. [s:37 What's going on with your work? It took years of hard work to speak good English.It involves a lot of hard work. what's your plan nest month? We are making our English web and E-mags. They come out every month, based on monthly.