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A groundbreaking study by two University of Rochester psychologists to be published online Oct. 28 by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology adds color—literally and figuratively—to the age-old question of what attracts men to women.
Through five psychological experiments, Andrew Elliot, professor of psychology, and Daniela Niesta, post-doctoral researcher, demonstrate that the color red makes men feel more amorous toward women. And men are unaware of the role the color plays in their attraction.
心理学教授安德鲁•艾略特(Andrew Elliot)和博士后丹妮拉•伊涅斯塔(Daniela Niesta)通过五项心理学实验证明,红色能使男人对女人更加多情,但男人却没有意识到颜色所起的作用。
The research provides the first empirical support for society's enduring love affair with red. From the red ochre used in ancient rituals to today's red-light districts and red hearts on Valentine's Day, the rosy hue has been tied to carnal passions and romantic love across cultures and millennia. But this study, said Elliot, is the only work to scientifically document the effects of color on behavior in the context of relationships.
该研究首次对人类社会由来已久的风流韵事与红色之间的关系提供了实验支持。无论从古代仪式上红色赭石的应用还是到当今的红 灯区以及情人节的红色心形标志,玫瑰红色始终与肉欲激情和浪漫爱情联系在一起。但此项研究,正如艾略特所言,是对颜色在这一过程中对人类习性影响的唯一的科学诠释。
\"It's only recently that psychologists and researchers in other disciplines have been looking closely and systematically at the relationship between color and behavior. Much is known about color physics and color physiology, but very little about color psychology,\" said Elliot. \"It's fascinating to find that something as ubiquitous as color can be having an effect on our behavior without our awareness.\"
“只是最近,心理学家和其他学科的研究人员才开始全面系统地研究颜色与行为之间的关系。人们对物理学及颜色生理学了解的较多,但对颜色心理学却知之甚少。在我们毫无察觉的情况下,司空见惯的颜色能够左右我们的行为,这是多么令人着迷的研究发现。” 艾略特说道。
Although this aphrodisiacal effect of red may be a product of societal conditioning alone, the authors argue that men's response to red more likely stems from deeper biological roots. Research has shown that nonhuman male primates are particularly attracted to females displaying red. Female baboons and chimpanzees, for example, redden conspicuously when nearing ovulation, sending a clear s exual signal designed to attract males.
\"Our research demonstrates a parallel in the way that human and nonhuman male primates respond to red,\" concluded the authors. \"In doing so, our findings confirm what many women have long suspected and claimed – that men act like animals in the s exual realm. As much as men might like to think that they respond to women in a thoughtful, sophisticated manner, it appears that at least to some degree, their preferences and predilections are, in a word, primitive.\"
To quantify the red effect, the study looked at men's responses to photographs of women under a variety of color presentations. In one experiment, test subjects looked at a woman's photo framed by a border of either red or white and answered a series of questions, such as: \"How pretty do you think this person is?\" Other experiments contrasted red with gray, green, or blue.
When using chromatic colors like green and blue, the colors were precisely equated in saturation and brightness levels, explained Niesta. \"That way the test results could not be attributed to differences other than hue.\"
In the final study, the shirt of the woman in the photograph, instead of the background, was digitally colored red or blue. In this experiment, men were queried not only about their attraction to the woman, but their intentions regarding dating. One question asked: \"Imagine that you are going on a date with this person and have $100 in your wallet. How much money would you be willing to spend on your date?\"
Under all of the conditions, the women shown framed by or wearing red were rated significantly more attractive and se xually desirable by men than the exact same women shown with other colors. When wearing red, the woman was also more likely to score an invitation to the prom and to be treated to a more expensive outing.
The red effect extends only to males and only to perceptions of attractiveness. Red did not increase attractiveness ratings for females rating other females and red did not change how men rated the women in the photographs in terms of likability, intelligence or kindness.
Although red enhances positive feelings in this study, earlier research suggests the meaning of a color depends on its context. For example, Elliot and others have shown that seeing red in competition situations, such as written examinations or sporting events, leads to worse performance.
The current findings have clear implications for the dating game, the fashion industry, product design and marketing.
这一发现,对于男女约会、时装行业、产品设计及市场营销具有明显的指导意义。 |