你努力了没有。看着别人能轻松地听懂英语广播、说一口流利的美语,羡慕得要死,却不知道原因,还归咎于天赋和客观。大凡,学英语有所成者、英语专业者对所谓的方法并不太在意,在意的只是花了多少时间去听写说。是的,太难,但是50多岁的钟道隆却可以5:30起床,11点钟睡觉,先后听坏十几部收录机,一年后成为翻译!!!!!你呢?如果真的不想学好英语就罢了,如果想,我只想说:人是要有点精神的。你也行!只是不够努力。时间就象海绵里的水,只要愿意去挤总还是有的。人的一生就是这么一回事,你可以打牌,玩麻将,也可以努力、尽全力去干成自己喜欢的事。前者简单,后者难为。因为难,所以可贵,才对得起生活,对得起自己。外国人说,人要是不努力奋斗芝麻也榨不出香油-------做什么事既然要做就要尽力去做,做好-----这就叫性格!许多时候我们抱怨,闷闷不乐,却从不想一想我够努力了没有?在失去某些东西的努力奋斗中,我们体会到了另一种快乐---奋斗。正所谓:Pain past is pleasure.
Why do we have to learn English? Chinese is more popular than before and Chinese will replace English in the world one day.only if we make Chinese a bit easy to learn.
That\'s true, Chinese is becoming more and more popular because China is getting more and more powerful in the world. However English is still mostly widely used language in the world and even if Chinese becomes most popular language in the word we still need to learn other langauges.
when we learn the langauge well we can communicate and understand its culture and people better.