相约百年 发表于 2009-6-6 13:08:05

take pot luck 吃顿便饭

Come and take pot luck with us.

来和我们吃顿便饭吧。解析:按从前西方家庭通常都有一个大锅(pot),锅里盛着食物,架在炉子上用文火熬煮。假如用膳时忽然有客人来访,那么,锅里有甚么,客人自然随缘(luck)吃什么了。所以take pot luck就是中文“吃便饭”的意思。

study.hard 发表于 2009-6-6 21:17:47

楼主呀`` I want to take pot luckin your home.

相约百年 发表于 2009-6-6 23:04:08

英语你要是侧重你要我请,一般要用Would you like
强调在家吃饭一般用at home
但是 take pot luck多是主人请客人才用
你跟特别熟悉的朋友可以这么说,How about treating me to meal at home?

Dean 发表于 2009-6-8 16:47:02


A potluck is a gathering of people where each person is expected to bring a dish of food to be shared among the group.

take potluck

Come to eat whatever happens to be served

Will you please allow me to treat you to a nice dinner?

大地10 发表于 2009-6-10 16:10:57

长知识.但是不是太文绉绉了。how about come to my house next Sunday and I can cook you a niceAustralian meal.

Dean 发表于 2009-8-3 14:47:57

You're welcome to join us for supper but you'll have to take potluck.
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