Gravitational waves 引力波
LIGO在2016年2月11日宣布“探测到引力波的存在”。当两个黑洞于约13亿年前碰撞,两个巨大质量结合所传送出的扰动,于2015年9月14日抵达地球,被地球上的精密仪器侦测到。证实了爱因斯坦100年前所做的预测。One hundred years ago, Einstein formed his theoryof relativity. He also told us that space and time respond to matter within it.It is like putting your finger into a pond and moving your finger – you create water waves.一百年前,爱因斯坦提出了相对论。同时也阐述了空间和时间对物质会产生作用。就像把手指放进池塘里,然后移动手指,就形成水波一样。The same thing happens with space and time. Whenmass moves through space-time, it creates gravitational waves. We knew aboutthese waves for a hundred years, but only this year, people detected them.在空间和时间上也会发生同样的事情。当物质在时空中移动时,就会产生引力波。关于引力波,一百年前我们就已经了解,但直到今年,我们才真正探测到引力波的存在。This is a great moment in the history of science.Four hundred years ago, Galileo looked to the sky and opened the age of modernastronomy. Now, we are entering the age of gravitational astronomy.这是科学史上的一个伟大时刻。四百年前,伽利略望向天空,揭开了现代天文学的时代。而今,我们又进入了引力天文学的时代。