Curious as Lot's wife, he enjoys prying into other people's secrets and is therefore generally disliked.
解析:罗得(Lot)是《圣经.创世纪》里说的一位君子,住在所多玛(Sodom)城里。由于所多玛、蛾摩拉(Gormorrah)两地的人罪孽深重,上帝决定降天火毁灭他们,事前遣天使叫罗得携妻子、女儿一起出城,但“不可回头望”。罗得的妻子按捺不住好奇心,出城之后回头望了一眼,马上变了做一根盐柱。后来,人们就用curious as Lot's wife一语来说“好奇心太重”。
Curiosity killed the cat reminds us that being too curious can be dangerous.
\"What do you think is down that dark street?\"
Reply: \"I would rather not find out. Curiosity killed the cat.\"
Curiosity killed the cat recalls a story in which \"the cat\" was killed because he was too curious and followed \"curiosity\" too far.
Example: \"That reporter has been asking a lot of questions and the boss doesn't like it.\"
Reply: \"Curiosity killed the cat.\"