---Why didn't you see the flower show yesterday .---Becuause I _________ it twice .
A. have seenB. had see
The correct answer should be : had seen 发生在过去某个时间之前的动作用过去完成时态。例如: I had worked in a garment factory before i came here. 确切地说,按照英文语法死扣,两个答案都有问题,按照英语习惯,人家想表达这个意思根本不那么说。这个句子只有出现在中学考试试卷或者老式教科书中 这是新标准英语教材之前 初中英语旧版总复习上一道题 当时就是有争议的题 后被删除 因为如果是站在现在的角度看 可以用现在完成时 而站在昨天的角度 就应该用过去完成时 本题对于时间角度的确定有些摸棱两可 记得十几年前,这道题答案就是A
选A,谁也不能说不对,语言不是数学,呵呵 刚才没看清楚 以为B 选项是had seen如果楼主没写错的话 那B 选项肯定不对了 Grammar is just like law or doctor. If you can use the language well you don't need grammar. That is to say the law does not restrict you if you observe it or you don't need a doctor when you are healthy. When you make mistakes grammar will help you to correct them. When you don't know how to express well grammar will come to help. 呵呵,看得出,您的英语表达比较熟练,但是有一点我觉得需要改进,就是无论从词汇的应用和语序的分配上,最好遵循英语的倒序思维,不知道您是不是理解我的意思。
记得我们医院来过两个芬兰护士进修,那时候我陪着她俩,给我感觉听她俩说话就累,说一天英语也累得要死,原因就是,如果我像您这样的中文语序跟人家说话,人家听不懂,我必须说话反着说。而且不能说话都是BE动语句,否则,人家听着也别扭。可恰恰相反,我看您的句子就很轻松,只要单词认识就绝对没问题,因为您说的都是中文语序。呵呵,一点小建议,说得不好,请指教! 遵循英语的倒序思维? Thinking in inversion? A new term for me. Do English speakers think in inversion? I have worked with native speakers for quite a long time and they have never mentioned this term. We can communicate well in English when we talk about our work. Your experience with the nurses from Finland can't show that your English was good or bad. English is not the native language of Finland. Perhaps they spoke English with strong accent. Or they didn't speak English as the native speakers did. That was why you found it difficult to communicate with them at that time. Remember nowadays English has become a world language, which is spoken by many people from non-English speaking countries. They speak English with strong accent and in their own way of expression. However, we should try to understand it. I have been to many trade shows where i met people from different countries. They all spoke English but not in the way of native speakers. We have to understand them even their English is not quite \"standard\".
When we learned English at school we all learned pure British English or American English. We seldom had the practice of listening to English spoken by non-English speakers. That’s why many students can do listening tests well but can't communicate with foreigners in English because English in all the tests is Standard English.
My advice is we should speak Standard English and understand pure English spoken by native speakers as well as non-standard English by people from other countries. 呵呵,英语同声传译的困难就在于语序,非要听人家说完了一句才能翻好。如果您这么说,只能说明您工作接触的老外已经适应了您的中文思维方式。我敢这么说,是因为之前还有爱尔兰的访问学者到过我们医院,他们说话也是倒着的,只是发音听着不很习惯。也可能您说话都以BE动语句为主,或者祈使句什么的,这些语序倒是和中文差不多,呵呵。还有一个因素,就像我们和留学生接触一样,他们说话肯定听着别扭,但是我们能大体听懂就得了,谁也不会较真,因为知道人家母语不是汉语